By The Rapids is the interactive hub where users can explore the loveable characters and places of this 2-D animated comedy series airing on APTN.
Corey Littlehorn, a teenager from upscale Toronto, becomes the token “fish out of water” after his family visit in the Mohawk community of By the Rapids turns into an extended stay. is the interactive hub where users can explore the loveable characters and places of this 2-D animated comedy series airing on APTN. Agentic worked with Big Soul Productions on the challenge of making the intangible tangible on their new website; We needed to find a way to provide context to the animated world of the TV show and bring it to life. We created a new interface (that animators hadn’t previously designed) out of the Mighty Five Nations Headquarters and an interactive display of the town in which users could explore the community and get to know everyone from Gramma Hazel (and her sharp tongue) to the grizzled Toronto detective, dirty Gary.

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  • Client: ISTA IV Films Inc.
  • Year: 2012

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