Strategies for Tech Success for Small Business
“Ninety percent of small business owners,” says Phillip Djwa, “are not technology innovators or early adopters, so using new technologies can provide a significant competitive advantage.” He offers five strategies to ensure that the famous Wanamaker quote (“I know that half of my technology does not help my business. I just don’t know which half it is.”) does not apply. Give yourself the time to focus on the aspects of your business that really count by using technology to automate as many of your everyday tasks as possible. Take advantage of the tremendous amount of knowledge available free on the web. (But don’t forget to share what you learn back to others.) Get your feet wet slowly. You can avoid a lot of headaches by starting off with a new technology on a small project rather than a large one. Be sure you understand the return on your investment, and balance your investment with the expected return. Don’t be afraid to use a technology expert. It can really jump-start your learning. But listen carefully, as the “devil is often in the details.”
- Author: Phillip Djwa