The Roosevelt Institute

The Roosevelt Institute in a nonprofit organization committed to developing progressive ideas and bold leadership, honouring the values of Franklins and Eleanor Roosevelt.
In much of its work, the Roosevelt Institute engages some of the fundamental policy challenges of our era, supporting people Ð young and old Ð who carry forward the courage and values that Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt brought to key points in the 20th century. With an eye on the future, the fellows of the Roosevelt Institute focus on important questions around how to frame and shift broad policy paradigms Ð not just narrow details that often dominate the day-to-day of policy making. With this focus, the Roosevelt Institute hopes to contribute to bold, progressive change over a generation Ð working with opinion leaders, policy makers and people of all backgrounds Ð rather than limiting ourselves only to what seems possible today. Is it any wonder that Agentic was proud to provide our services to such worthwhile endeavours empowering the Institute to carry their message onto the global stage.

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  • Client: The Roosevelt Institute
  • Year: 2009

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