We worked with MOSAIC to develop a microsite that is designed to be a resource and safe haven for those who may be facing a forced marriage or know someone who is, and also for service providers who may need to assist someone in this situation.
A multilingual non-profit organization, MOSAIC has assisted new immigrants and refugees during their settlement and integration into Canadian society, such as addressing critical issues in their neighborhoods and workplace, for nearly 40 years. Guided by a vision of equality, social justice, equal access, and democracy, MOSAIC is a source of advocacy, public education, coalition building, and community development.
It was important to have a design that does not convey a specific culture, nationality or class, since forced marriages affect all levels of society within any culture.
Created in WordPress, we developed this microsite to fulfill two key objectives. We helped provide information on support services and protective practices that will promote empowerment to those who may be facing forced marriage, or individuals who know someone facing a forced marriage.
Furthermore, we developed an online strategy as part of the site, that will distribute the risk assessment framework widely amongst service providers of those who are involved in forced marriages. Literature reviews, online surveys, and interviews and focus groups were used to develop the risk assessment framework. Innovative ways of thinking were important in formulating the best response to violence against women. This will in turn assist service providers when raising awareness and dealing with cases of forced marriage.
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