Discovery Organics is designed to strengthen relationships between organic produce distributors and small organic farmers, to help them reach larger markets.
After months of cultivating its digital soil, the Discovery Organics website is ripe and ready for consumption. Agentic built so that it would reflect the strong relationships this organic produce distributor has with its growers.

Founders Randy Hooper and Annie Moss got into this business because they shared a vision for helping small-scale organic farmers reach larger markets. Over the last decade, they built a strong community of farmers in B.C. and further along the Pacific Coast, through Washington, Oregon and California and even in Mexico and South America.

The website includes profiles of DO’s growers and features printable infocards that retailers display in their stores. This helps consumers get to know where their food comes from, and is part of DO’s plan to make this website a powerful resource for retailers, who can also download tipsheets and recipe cards.

Breaking and timely news about all things produce is another main feature of the website. The Discovery Organics team blogs about topics such as how the recent freeze in Mexico affected local food prices and DO’s work with fair trade growers.

Link to website


  • Client: Discovery Organics
  • Year: 2011

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