Mozilla Service week event at Agentic Communications

Mozilla Service Week comes to Agentic. Roland Tanglao of Mozilla Messaging and Dale McGladdery brought Mozilla Service Week to Agentic last Thursday. Thanks to Phillip Djwa of Agentic for taking time out of his tremendously busy schedule to support us in this event. Kind thanks also to Karo for supporting the hosting of this event. A dozen or so folks discussed a wide variety of open source topics, ranging from a brief look under the hood of Drupal Views to how to best start an online spirits encyclopedia focusing on all things saki. A discussion of online collaboration tools naturally resulted in a brief overview of Google Wave, which we all know will conquer the world when it’s released for public consumption. It was great to see such a diverse crowd discussing open source. We hope to attend/host more such events in the near future. Cheers to the open web!


  • Author: Darko Hrgovic

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